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Team Support & Coordination

Miguel was born in Reus, Catalonia, but has been living the most part of his life in Madrid, Spain. With over 20,000 flight hours, he is a dedicated team supporter, working very closely with the Chief Pilot.

He started his flying career as a military pilot and then progressed to be an airline pilot with Iberia. As a Captain, he flew the A320, A330, A340 and A350 aircraft and was able to be qualified as an instructor and examiner for all of them. 

Miguel is an accomplished aerobatic, airshow and racing pilot and has been flying the Yak 52 since 2004. During this time he participated in several aerobatic and racing competitions, including the Copa Triangular, CEVA and Air Races. 

Passionate for vintage aircraft, Miguel is also a member of the prestigious "Infante de Orleans" Foundation, a flying museum at Madrid - Cuatro Vientos, where he enjoys flying the Polikarpov Po-2, a soviet biplane rebuilt in 1956.



Narrator, Public Relations and Social Media

From Madrid, Spain, "Ivich" has been with the team since 2017, and he is the team's narrator and one of the public relations and social media managers, working very closely with Fabiana. 

He is a long time aviation lover strongly influenced by his father, a former Spanish Air Force F-4C Phantom fighter pilot. He started flying gliders when he was only 16 years old and since then he never stoped. He holds a pilot license since 2004. 

In his everyday life "Ivich" is a successful IT senior consultant. 



Public Relations and Social Media

From Palmela, Portugal, Fabiana is the latest addition to the team's line up. She caught the flying bug at an early age, and has been following the team for the last several years attending as many airshows as she can. 

Fabiana has a master degree in architecture and in her everyday life she is an airline pilot flying a Boeing 737 NG/Max. She is doing her first steps into the aerobatic and formation flying world and she already loves looping and rolling the Yak! 

Together with "Ivich", she is the team's public relations and social media manager. She also supports the team, helping with all kinds of things, from logistics, aircraft parking, fillings flights plans, etc.

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